April 2023

About us - Data Science & AI Division

Mandates of the Division

Data Warehouse and Engineering Section Data Transformation and Integration Section ML and AI Section Data Analytics and BI Section
  1. Build robust and scalable data architect solutions for big data and spatial data
  2. Transform data into useful entity which could add value and veracity to data
  3. Build analytical and predictive models through machine learning and AI algorithms

About us - Digital Service O&M Division

Mandates of the Division

Sys Deployment & Operation Sys Maintenance Customer Support
  1. Deployment of New systems
  2. Provide Pre & post deployment services
  3. Ensure Uptime, Upkeep, monitoring & performance optimization od sys
  1. Daily backup, recovery
  2. Security patching
  3. Performance tuning for approx 60 sys/yer
  1. Provide customer support and
  2. Train citizens on adopting services